

Callout are used to convey information to a user that needs to stand out from the rest of the information on the page. There are four callout types.

Basic Callouts in HTML

A default callout: This callout type should be used sparingly and only when other callout types do not reflect the content. This callout can not be used with a callout header.

A basic callout: There is no added callout-${color} class. This is used for notes.

A success callout: Use this to report successful actions or enforce good practices.

A warning callout: This is best suited for content that is important for the user to read.

A danger callout: Use this to inform users of possibly destructive or breaking information. This can also be used to inform users of a failed action.

Callouts with Headers in HTML


A basic callout: There is no added callout-${color} class. This is used for notes.


A success callout: Use this to report successful actions or enforce good practices.


A warning callout: This is best suited for content that is important for the user to read.


A danger callout: Use this to inform users of possibly destructive or breaking information. This can also be used to inform users of a failed action.

Callouts in Markdown

Callouts can also be created in markdown by using the <blockquote> tag. The severity (color) of the callout will be issued based on the first contained emoji. If there is no emoji, the default callout will be used.

A default callout: This callout type should be used sparingly and only when other callout types do not reflect the content. This callout can not be used with a callout header.

:choco-info: NOTE

A basic callout: There is no added callout-$ class. This is used for notes.

:choco-success: SUCCESS

A success callout: Use this to report successful actions or enforce good practices.

:choco-warning: WARNING

A warning callout: This is best suited for content that is important for the user to read.

:choco-danger: DANGER

A danger callout: Use this to inform users of possibly destructive or breaking information. This can also be used to inform users of a failed action.


> A default callout: This callout type should be used sparingly and only when other callout types do not reflect the content. This callout can not be used with a callout header.

> :choco-info: **NOTE**
> A basic callout: There is no added callout-${color} class. This is used for notes.

> :choco-success: **SUCCESS**
> A success callout: Use this to report successful actions or enforce good practices.

> :choco-warning: **WARNING**
> A warning callout: This is best suited for content that is important for the user to read.

> :choco-danger: **DANGER**
> A danger callout: Use this to inform users of possibly destructive or breaking information. This can also be used to inform users of a failed action.

Best Practices


Callout headers are not allowed to be used without accompanying body content. The header is also too long.

Lorem ipsum Proin commodo, ligula sit amet pulvinar dignissim, arcu ligula fermentum sapien, vel porta sapien magna eget arcu.

The callout header is 1-2 words and has body content. A header can also be a short sentence.

Lorem ipsum

Proin commodo, ligula sit amet pulvinar dignissim, arcu ligula fermentum sapien, vel porta sapien magna eget arcu.