

A set of colors used to represent the Chocolatey brand in web and print.

Reference Bootstrap

Choco-theme respects all Bootstrap Color documentation


Role Description


This color is used primary actions or elements that reflect the Chocolatey brand.


This color is used sparingly, and only when other colors do not reflect the content.


This color is used to report successful actions or enforce good practices. This color is also used as a general accent color.


This color is used to inform users of possibly destructive or breaking information. This color is also used to inform users of a failed action.


This color is used for content that is important for the user to read. This color is more elevated than info, but less eleveated than danger.


This color is used to signifying something is in progress or to note specific but not urgent information.


This color is used as a general accent color.


This color is used as a general accent color.


This color is used as a general accent color.


This color is mostly used on colored backgrounds and should be used sparingly since it does not change based on theme.


This color is mostly used on colored backgrounds and should be used sparingly since it does not change based on theme.

Body Background

This color is used as the main body background.

Body Background Secondary

This color is used mostly for slight contrast with the body background and the card component.

Body Background Contrast

This color is used mostly on buttons that appear on a background that contrasts with the body background.

Body Background Tertiary

This color is used mostly on cancel buttons and will change based on the theme.

All Colors


















































































































































