Set background colors with contacting foregrounds.
:choco-info: Reference Bootstrap
Choco-theme respects all Bootstrap Color & Background documentation.
Background Color with Contrasting Text
While independent bg-${color}
classes can be used in conjunction with text-${color}
classes, it is encouraged to use the combined text-bg-${color}
class to ensure accessible text.
Best Practices
Do not use two separate classes. This can cause accessibility issues.
<section class="bg-primary text-dark">
<h1>Lorum Ipsum</h1>
<p>Proin commodo, ligula sit.</p>
Use the combined text-bg-${color}
class to ensure accessibility.
<section class="text-bg-primary">
<h1>Lorum Ipsum</h1>
<p>Proin commodo, ligula sit.</p>